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On le pousse à quitter Haïti, son pays natal, pour s’établir au Québec, sa terre d’accueil. Quelle est sa prochaine destination ? Oliver écrit, écorche, creuse la surface de sa guitare, use des sonorités poétiques, raconte et danse ses réflexions. En juin 2017 Oliver est parmi les finissants de la cohorte de L’École Nationale de la Chanson de Granby où il côtoie les Gaëlle, Mario Chenart, Christian Martin et Bruno Robitaille de ce monde. Un an plus tard il est diplomé du CASE, alors qu’il traverse une tempête des plus ardues dans sa vie, Oliver garde son stylo bien ancré sur ses feuilles et sa guitare électrique pas loin. De ses profondeurs jaillira le son strident de sa Stratocaster, le chant d’un homme au cœur vaillant, sa sensibilité, ses histoires vécus sur le long du chemin et son nouveau spectacle « MEKTOUB ».


He is pushed to leave Haïti, his native country, to settle in Quebec, his home land. What is his next destination? Oliver writes, scours, digs the surface of his guitar, uses poetic sounds, speaks and dances his reflections. In June 2017 Oliver is among the graduates of the National singer song-writing school of Granby where he worked with Gaëlle, Mario Chenart, Christian Martin, Bruno Robitaille and many others well known in the Quebec music industry. A year later, as he passes through one of the toughest storms in his life, Oliver keeps his pen firmly anchored on his notebook and his electric guitar not far away. From its depths will emerge the strident sound of its Stratocaster, the songs of a man with a valiant heart, his sensitivity, his stories lived along the way and his new show "MEKTOUB". 

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